Mid-Summer Wellness Check in It’s almost halfway through the summer (!!!) and it’s time to check in! How are my Better Business Babes doing?? Take a second and answer these simple questions: Are you tired? Have you felt overwhelmed in the last week? Have you cancelled plans to socialize? Have you been forgetting to eat or overeating? Has anyone remarked about you not seeming like yourself...? If you answered “yes” to any of the above, you’re are probably enjoying a …
Journey to Hair Detox – Part 1
Hi my Name is Sarah and I am a full time mommy, a full time hairstylist, and hair is my passion! For over 17 years I've been helping people get the hair of their dreams and I love every minute of it! During that time I have also been listening to my clients personal challenges with their hair and some days I am more of a therapist then a stylist ~ A Hairipist as I like to call it! Haha :) At the core of all this I am passionate about helping people and great hair -as you know- can change your …
Setting YOUR Pace
It’s barely October, but I assure you Christmas is just around the corner. Walk into your local shopping center and you will start seeing the signs – the holidays are coming! Every year the holidays seem to show up earlier and earlier and you can’t deny the energy that comes like a freight train with it! Now, I’m all for the PSLs (Pumpkin Spice Lattes), boots, and cozy afternoons on the couch watching movies (HA! That’s funny, right? Hang with me for a second!), but I hate the “hustle, bustle” …
Confessions of a Working Mother & Wife
I don’t know when it really hit me, but when it did I felt a sense of both relief and terror. The realization that I was a great teacher, a fun mom, a mediocre wife, and a horrible homemaker. To make matters worse, my priorities were exactly in the same order… except for wife and homemaker, sometimes those were interchangeable at the bottom of my priority totem pole. How did I let this happen? When did I let my home, my husband, my family come after my job? Okay, if I am being completely …
From a Place of Emptiness
Being in a place of emptiness is teaching me a valuable lesson. What I am putting into my mind and heart is what will come out. For the last few weeks I have been trying to write blogs and be more loving and encouraging to my family. Instead, I have found that I am mentally and emotionally dry, used up and exhausted. But why? After going through the She Reads Truth Lent Bible study, I stopped reading my Bible. I got busy and tired, and my daily reading of inspiration and truth fell out …
Autism Awareness ~ One Mother’s Story
“Through the blur, I wondered if I was alone or if other parents felt the same way I did - that everything involving our children was painful in some way. The emotions, whether they were joy, sorrow, love or pride, were so deep and sharp that in the end they left you raw, exposed and yes, in pain. The human heart was not designed to beat outside the human body and yet, each child represented just that - a parent's heart bared, beating forever outside its chest.” ― Debra …
Young Mother’s battle with Cancer
On the afternoon of Friday March 27th; 10 days after my 27th Birthday, 6 days after my 5 year Wedding Anniversary, 4 days shy of starting the paperwork to buy our first home, a month shy of my oldest child turning 5, and less than two weeks away from undergoing our first deployment as a family… I was diagnosed with Stage 2B Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The feelings that I experienced at that time were unexplainable. I have had so many angry feelings & emotions running through me that as I sit here …
There is Always, Always Something to be Thankful For
Thankfulness is a word we throw around pretty nonchalantly. We utter a “thank you” to plenty of people through out the day whether it be to our family members, a coworker or a grocery store clerk. I never really thought much about being thankful until I found myself navigating through a situation in which I felt I couldn’t be thankful. In January 2010 our 5 1/2 month old baby boy, Case, died of SIDS. Grief was a process that I was familiar with, my mom had died 9 years before, but I didn’t …
Pow Wow Design Studio Movie Night
Last week my daughter Ava and I had the pleasure of attending a fabulous event hosted by the lovely Pow Wow Design Studio! I have been follow Melissa on Instagram for some months now and I have loved her work, energy, and transparency in her posts. {Follow her @PowWowDesignStudio on Instagram} When I saw that they were extending the opportunity to attend a Movie Night at the Studio and showing one of THE 80's classics of all time... 16 Candles I was beyond excited! This hip and laid back event …
I Want to THRIVE, Not Just Survive
Thrive: 1. to prosper; be fortunate or successful 2. to grow or develop vigorously; flourish I think we’ve all gone through seasons of merely surviving life. I have had times where I wake up out of the fog of survival and I realize that this is no way to live. The circumstances look different for all of us. Some of our circumstances are fleeting, some may never go away. Some may be a result of choices we have made or quite possibly life has given you something other than you …