I am Raising a glass to all of my fellow business babes right now; it sure takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears to just ~ Get After It, Get Over Yourself, and just Get Shit Done in preparation to better your business on a daily basis. Better your 'baby' I should say; because let’s be honest, it's like you gave birth to that business. It will keep you up at night, all while you foster and nurture it to actually reap the fruits of your labor. It takes weeks, months, even years to build; one …
Featured Events
Jesus and Yoga: How yoga is good for my relationship with Christ
As a Christian of 20 years, a yogi for 7, and fitness instructor for 2, I’m hosting a Christ-Focused Yoga session because I want to share the powerful experience of using yoga for prayer, worship and praise of the Creator. But, I know there are a lot of questions about yoga and spirituality, so I thought I’d share why, theologically, and how I personally and practically integrate the two. First off, there are many different types and styles of yoga. Even within the same style of yoga, an …
Hope for Mental Health
The CDC says 50% of all American's will suffer from mental illness in their lifetime... It’s difficult to imagine that 50% of adults will develop depression, anxiety, self-harm, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, PTSD, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, or some other mental illness in their lifetime. This staggering reality can feel daunting, But there is HOPE... HOPE says that you are not defined by your illness. HOPE says your life has a purpose …
Pow Wow Design Studio Movie Night
Last week my daughter Ava and I had the pleasure of attending a fabulous event hosted by the lovely Pow Wow Design Studio! I have been follow Melissa on Instagram for some months now and I have loved her work, energy, and transparency in her posts. {Follow her @PowWowDesignStudio on Instagram} When I saw that they were extending the opportunity to attend a Movie Night at the Studio and showing one of THE 80's classics of all time... 16 Candles I was beyond excited! This hip and laid back event …